Key personnel

Andrew Abercromby and Mark Swann with their work dogs. Picture: Gerald Moscarda The West Australian. 01 October 2015.
Consortium Builders
Andrew Abercromby & Mark Swann
Consortium Builders was established in 2000 by Andrew Abercromby and Mark Swann.
Mark has travelled extensively in Europe, working in the UK and Italy and studying in Sweden. His work experience commenced in his father’s building company ‘Frank Swann Pty Ltd’ followed by several years with local rammed-earth specialists. Mark eventually took over his father’s company building many houses with some of Perth’s most respected architects.
Andrew qualified as a Civil/Environmental Engineer from the University of WA. He worked on engineering construction projects in Belgium and the highlands of New Guinea before establishing an office in Kalgoorlie for Australia’s largest consulting engineering firm. He was then appointed Project Coordinator for the design team of a $300m expansion to Sydney’s International Airport Terminal Building. From there he moved to France to do an MBA, where he subsequently worked before being transferred to the UK and Switzerland to help integrate three European businesses.
Andrew returned to Perth where he consulted to several local firms on a range of business improvement issues. Through one of these he met Mark Swann – and the partnership was formed that remains today.
environmentally sensible design and construction
Mark and Andrew share a passion for environmentally sensible design and construction, and a conviction that it is time for Perth’s building methodologies to move into the 21st century. Both have studied European and North American building design and construction practices for many years and they frequently employ European tradesmen.
Consortium Builders has a core team of loyal trades and subcontractors who have been working with us since we started (many who have been with Mark even longer!).
Over the years we have also established excellent working relationships with high quality specialist contractors who share our interest in creating buildings that go beyond the usual in Western Australia.